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Free giveaway! DYS SE2205 2300Kv, 1kg++ thrust!


Announcement time !

The two winning entries go to

1) TM ( commented Mar 17, 6:29am)

2) Adzlan ( commented Mar 18, 11:01am)

TM and Adzlan, please check your email.

As an appreciation of the participation, other commenters will each receive an exclusive 65drones discount code of USD 5 off any purchase above USD10. Discount code will be sent to the commenters' email addresses in their entries by Wednesday ( 30th March 2016). If you do not receive your discount code by 30th March 2016, please email to 65drones@gmail.com .


Contest is closed. We no longer accept entries for this contest.

Results will be released on 29th March 2016 on 65drones facebook and instagram.

Stay tune.

DYS Special Edition 2205 2300Kv motor draws wow in rcgroups.com forum for its 1kg+ thrust ability and uses N52 magnets. This is pretty close contender to RS2205.

QuadMcFly (a renowned tester and critic of motors, escs) said "a VERY interesting motor from DYS, the 2205 2300kv Special Edition. This is like nothing I've ever seen from DYS before. It's possible they pulled an Emax on us. I'll be very curious to see the results."

We have 2 sets to give away to 2 lucky winners.

To participate, please comment in two sentences or more below on the fun of FPV flying and email your address to 65drones@gmail.com. The best comment wins.

Contest ends 24th March 2016 so start commenting now. Like and share this post.

Find out more and order at here 

65 Drones


65 Drones

To share more joy of
FPV but I must go
Fly now

(Traditional Haiku Poem – The simplicity and elegance of this poem encompasses both the giddiness, and the flying and tinkering addiction of FPV pilots. With its few words, the poem illustrates the absence of space and time in this plane, and at first, the reader is lead to believe this conclusion is reached gently and quietly. After contemplation and meditation, lines 3-4 allow us the universal awareness that FPV is all that matters…FPV…IS.)

65 Drones

FPV allows us to go faster, go higher, go farther. It is a doorway through which we enter an entirely new space. A place where anyone can sit themselves in the pilots seat and push their very limits. But FPV is more than just pushing the extremities; it brings us, pilots, friends, families, and complete strangers together in a way unimaginable.

65 Drones

Fpv is like my freaking life at this point. Even if it’s just out in the front yard, its still one of the best hobbies on this planet. I love the feel of flying and try to fly every day (even though it sorta pisses off the neighbors). I am a high school student so i obviously have a small budget, but pretty much every penny goes towards this hobby. I’ve been part of the rc airplane community, and I tell you they aren’t the best people to be around. As soon as I got into fpv and went to a club meeting and everyone there treated and helped me as an adult, I realized how amazing this hobby truly is. There isn’t one thing out there other than fpv I’d rather be a part of. The community, the people, and the hobby itself is an amazing.

65 Drones

Fpv? Yes we spend lots of money in it. But the feeling of flying something that you spend on is priceless. The fun starts when the adrenaline kicks in. And when the adrenaline finally kicks in, you will want more. Therefore im sure this upgrades of motor would the my next choice. 65drones items have yet to to fail on me. Items are worth the price. #flylowflyfast

65 Drones

Fpv flying For me? it’s the high (pun intended) you get, when you put your goggles on! 15 years ago I would run between the trees pretending to be an airplane… I still do that, albeit at 50mph! It’s the perfect example of “having your cake and eating it too” hitting a tree has never hurt so little! (mental pain is another story).

sure I crashed a lot, but each crash has taught me so much. From my first plywood tricopter, to my current carbon fiber zmr250, this experience has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride! The ups and the downs, the ins and the outs(pun intended again) doing things that people insist are not physically possible, and the people…

Never have I come across such happy, open, and down to earth people who all share one common joy with such ferocity. Not fpv flying, not aeromodelling, but the joy, of being part of a family. A family that stretches to the ends of this planet and beyond… Who always look out for each other, and help them grow..
To quote the movie " No matter where you are, whether it’s a quarter mile away or half way across the world. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. Salute mi Familia"

65 Drones

FPV flying is different from the usual drone flying as it makes you feel like you are in the midst of the action and that you have a much better view of things. The first time i tried it, i was amazed by how realistic it was. I felt i was actually flying the drone! I consider myself a newbie in FPV and drone flying and if i win, i would like to put more time and energy into this hobby.

65 Drones

FPV flying makes you feel like you are really part of the flying experience and it seems like you have wings. For a brief moment, you forget about everything around you and you feel truly free.

65 Drones

What i like the most about this hobby is the people, everyone is extremely helpful and will take time out to help. Plus getting outside and flying, and seeing people’s positive reaction to seeing them especially children. I always take time out to show any onlookers all about the hobby and how much fun it is.

65 Drones

I fly fpv because it is my escape. I can do things while flying models that I could never dream of in normal conditions. Flying a full scale aircraft is way beyond my budget as a college student. I’ve been flying rc for a few years now and I truly appreciate the experience of fpv, separate from other rc flying. I can zoom around at ridiculous speeds and do crazy acro freestyle that isn’t possible with any other type of aircraft. If I win, I’d finally be able to swap these onto my beaten up quad with the old motors on it. They’re all bent up or shot bearings and hopefully DYS new motor series will be strong enough to take crashes!

65 Drones

FPV flying for me is the joy of flight and speed combined with exploration and of new places from a unreal perspective ! There is nothing quite like the rush that I get from this hobby.

I also love the building and testing side of this hobby and of course all of the exciting tech that I get a chance to play with.

65 Drones

For me, FPV flight is a dream come true and an intersection of many of my interests.

When I was a kid, I would read my father’s aeronautics magazines and wanted to become a pilot. But later it became clear that my sight is not good enough. I had to start wearing glasses. So there was no chance to become a real pilot due to this limitation. As I grew up I used to dream about flying around the streets of our town, over nearby fields etc. It felt as an actual personal flight, not like sitting in a plane or helicopter. I remember waking up while still having that awesome WOW feeling of flying. I now can have this feeling on demand – as soon as I go out and fly my FPV quadcopter. It is now even more awesome feeling as it is actually real ;).

I studied automation at university and learned a lot about PID tuning etc. So today’s flight controllers using PID control loops offer perfect lab for me to try and test what I’ve learned there and it all helps me to tune the quad properly.

My diploma work was related to identification and automatic control of induction motors that are close relatives to BLDC motors used today in multirotors. So using BLDC motors and ESCs controlling them gives me a great opportunity to continue my learning in this field and I can really appreciate the mindblowing strength of these miniature powerplants.

I then started working in TV industry, taking care of broadcasting analog and digital TV in cable and in the air – which is similar to RC and FPV video transmission. Thanks to my experiences with video formats and antennas I now can have great RC range, awesome FPV video and most of all, I am really surprised at the very low cost which we pay for these, once very special and exceptionally expensive radio transmission parts.

And finally, a few years after starting my job and having kids etc. I returned to my passion for flying machines thanks to the RC hobby which first allowed me to buy and modify and then build RC helicopters, planes and recently also multirotors. FPV came naturally with the multirotors and I became hooked immediately. It simply brings together almost all of my previous interests and passions into one awesome hobby.

My big thanks comes to 65drones and other honest and innovative vendors for providing us all those affordable parts and allowing people like me to have their dreams come true without having a feeling that I’m stealing excessive funds from my family.

Keep up the great work guys! Thanks again!

65 Drones

FPV flies beyond the line of our sight, deeper into the trees, higher than the clouds, and further out into the oceans.

FPV seats us in the Pilot’s hot seat, something which would never have been possible for most.

FPV brings us into a real virtuality, and makes the impossible possible.

65 Drones

FPV is the best out of body experience you will ever get. You will fly like a bird like you never have. Cheers to all :)

65 Drones

The fastest way to be a pilot! FPV FLYING. You don’t have to spend thousands for just a flying license. Just sit on your favorite chair while enjoying the view and adrenalin which only certain people can feel it. From flying a scale plane to a mini quad, FPV flying has changed my lifestyle. Before this i spent most of the time in my house playing Flight simulator FSX while dreaming im a pilot, though after i found out about FPV flying, all changed dramatically. Sold all my pc rig, without any RC knowledge, bought my first skysurfer and at the same day I attached a camera on top of it :). From that day, I’ve fall in love with FPV flying. The view and environment is totally different from flying the flight simulator. From that day, the need of speed and adrenalin made me sold the skysurfer and bought a secondhand Blackout Mini H Quad. It was my first mini Quad!.

The few first months are mostly focused on freestyle. I love to fly near a tree while doing some loop, roll, and dive. It feels like you are free from everything. No need to think, just do anything you want up there :).

Race Track.
After a few months, I felt that freestyle is not enough for me. So I decided to try on track racing. At the beginning, it though it was going to be very easy as i already have all the skills from freestyle for months. But it turnout to be the opposite. The first time i tried a track racing, it was very HARD! Yes, it was very difficult for me to maintain my altitude 1~2 meters from the ground while entering the small airgate after some sharp turns. I then realize that freestyle and track racing was a completely different. In freestyle, we are the one who decides the comfortable path that we want to fly trough, but for track racing, like it or not, u need to fly through that path! Precision, consistency and speed are very important in track racing. But if we able to master all the aspects and able to complete 1, 2, or even more laps without any mistake, the satisfaction can’t be describe! Just AWESOME!

Right now, I’m still in the process of mastering the cornering and also consistency. Wish me luck for my 1st race later on! :)

65 Drones

A joy of FPV flying is all about a team,
A team stand with skiller pilots,
A good skiller pilot is born with his drone racing,
A super fast drone racing comes with it’s motor,
A good motor comes from DYS,
A good DYS motor how we can find it? Offcourse come from 65Drones!

65 Drones

These beauties looks amazing. I’d love to win a set of these, match them up with a set of LB30A and putte them into the ZMR200 I’m building for my 12 years old son…
That’s the quad he’ll be using in the Norwegian National Championship, and would giver you guys some good advertising back if he makes it to the Podium..?

65 Drones

A joy of FPV flying is all about a team,
A team stand with skiller pilots,
A good skiller pilot is born with his drone racing,
A super fast drone racing comes with it’s motor,
A good motor comes from DYS,
A good DYS motor how we can find it? Offcourse come from 65Drones!

65 Drones

65drones is the best
A company that stands above the rest
Variety, passion, reliability
Bringing such joys to the drone community
Flying drones bring us such highs
Enriching all our lives

Building more awesome drones is my dream
Thank you to the 65drones team
So let me win the motor
It will make me feel like striking toto

65 Drones

THE Dys motor every flyer know as the brand you can trust,for the price you pay for as the motor are up for beaten,is like 1806 /3200 for 4s run.. plus it could use 2bolt mounted to cut the weight with specific props.. yet not to forget 65drones are always up to date to keep the flyer needs and 65drones know that compact parts are the main stuff in this building line.. compact,light weight,higher c rating battery you name it.. support/like 65drones you won’t regret it as you are in this flying hobbies.thanks 65drones for having the good stuff in..

65 Drones

Fpv flying makes me fly in the air like never before. I like it as it relaxes me. We build a drone using which parts which we buy separately. The satisfaction of looking at something you created flying in the air controlled by yourself, there no much bigger satisfaction. Everybody’s drone creation is unique. There is a very high chance that nobody else created the same as you. My dream career is to become a pilot fpv drone is the best way for me to have a feeling of how would it be like and give me a basic idea how it would be like.

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